About Us


Three professionals, who united together to integrate their expertise in serving the industries, have founded PT. CORROSION CARE INDONESIA (CCI) . Thus, CCI is uniquely positioned to provide multiple services in the field of corrosion. Our comprehensive services ranging from protective coatings, cathodic protection, material designs, chemical inhibitive, corrosion management, business strategic, human resources up to management system based on ISO 9001:2000, ISO 14001:2004, and OHSAS 18001:1999 would certainly give value-added solution to various industries.


Our company structure and experienced team are better qualified to help you managing and improving your businesses as we strongly emphasize on commitment and consistency due to our mission is to provide for quality at consistent reliability and commitment to excellence. We believed that trust and exceed clients' expectation through supplying highest quality of services are the core values that help us shape our vision for progress and allow our clients to achieve their goals.


Therefore, when your company is in need of a solution, whether in the technical expertise or in the field of management, or perhaps you require both of these services, PT. CORROSION CARE INDONESIA is the name you can always trust. We are the leader in the corrosion controls integrated management systems in the country. Wherever your location, whatever your problem, and whenever you need for consulting, training, trading, and constructing, always bear in your minds, PT. Corrosion Care Indonesia. We are ready and committed to serve you in the most efficient and effective manners.



Vision, Mission and Policy



Amplifying Endeavors via Synergism of Intellectuality, Creativity of Innovation, & Integrity of Professionalism.



Providing Quality at Consistent Reliability and Commitment to Excellence.



PT. Corrosion Care Indonesia is fully aware that being in the business, profitability is not barely a success indicator for the company, but what the critical issues are how to win our clients' satisfaction, work professionally to upkeep quality, health & safety practices likewise preserve integrity of our environments.


Thus, all top managements and employees of PT. Corrosion Care Indonesia are committed to focus on clients' expectation, comply with all health, safety, environment, national and international regulations, as well as we are strongly committed for continuous improvement.



Consulting Services


Served Markets

Industri Pengguna Coating, Manufacture, Coating Applicator, Blasting Applicator, Kontraktor, Jasa Konsultan Coating, Praktisi Coating, Petrochemicals, Oil & Gas, Energy, Construction, Mining, Transportation, and General Industries.


Training & Certification Program :

    Blasting & Coating Operator

    Bandung, Tahun 2024 :

    30 Jan - 02 Feb, 27 Feb - 1 Maret, 25 - 28 Mar, 14 - 17 Mei, 4 - 7 Juni, 25 - 28 Juni, 9 - 12 Juli, 6 - 9 Agt, 3 - 6 Sep, 1 - 4 Okt, 29 Okt - 1 Nov, 26 - 29 Nov, 17 - 20 Des.


    Coating Inspector Level 1

    Bandung, Tahun 2024 :

    15 - 20 Jan, 19 - 24 Feb, 18 - 23 Mar, 29 Apr- 04 Mei, 27 Mei - 01 Juni, 24 - 29 Juni, 22 - 27 Juli, 19 - 24 Agt, 23 - 28 Sep, 21 - 26 Okt, 18 - 23 Nov, 11 - 16 Nov, 09 - 14 Des.


    Coating Inspector Level 2

    Bandung, Tahun 2024 :

    26 Feb - 02 Mar, 10 - 15 Juni, 26 - 31 Agt, 28 Okt - 02 Nov, 16 - 21 Des.


    Cathodic Protection Level 1

    Bandung, Tahun 2024 :

    05 - 09 Feb, 15 - 20 Juli, 09 - 14 Sep, 16 - 21 Des.


    Untuk Informasi, silahkan menghubungi :

    Mr. Samsudin, WhatsApp : 0822 1674 0825.

    Mrs. Mia Marlina, WhatsApp : 0821 2807 6326

Training Services

Strategi pembinaan SDM yang diatur Pemerintahan Republik Indonesia diwujudkan dalam bentuk :

  • Pembuatan Standar Kompetensi Kerja Nasional Indonesia (SKKNI) untuk setiap profesi
  • Pembentukkan Badan Nasional Sertifikasi Profesi (BNSP) sebagai Lembaga Independent yang bertanggung jawab kepada Presiden dan memiliki wewenang untuk melakukan asesmen uji kompetensi. Pada teknis pelaksanaannya BNSP dibantu oleh Lembaga Sertifikasi Profesi (LSP) yang pembentukkannya diinisiasi oleh Organisasi Profesi terkait.
  • Provide Training & Certification on Blasting – Coating Operators, Coating Inspectors, Coating Supervisor, Galvanis Inspector, Rubber Lining Inspector, Cathodic Protection Tester, Cathodic Protection Installer.
  • Provide Training Non Certification, e.g : Corrosion for Manager, Coating for Manager, Corrosion & Corrosion Protection, etc.

  • Provide Special Training Based on Industrial Needed.