Consulting Services
Survey & Assessment on Corrosion, Coating , Cathodic Protection and Inhibitor.
Problem Solving in Industries Related in Corrosion, Coating, Cathodic Protection, Material & Design and Corrosion Management & Control.
Preparing Specification, System & Procedure for Coating Projects
Training Services
Provide Training & Certification on Blasting – Coating Operators, Coating Inspectors, Coating Supervisor, Galvanis Inspector, Rubber Lining Inspector, Cathodic Protection Tester, Cathodic Protection Installer.
Provide Training Non Certification, e.g : Corrosion for Manager, Coating for Manager, Corrosion & Corrosion Protection, etc.
Provide Special Training Based on Industrial Needed.
Project Experiences
Related to Survey & Assessment on Coating, Corrosion Control, Corrosion Mapping, Cathodic Protection and Inhibitor.
SOP Coating Assessment dan SOP Coating Maintenance pada Rel dan Jembatan, December 2010, PT. Kereta Api Indonesia.
Assessment of Corrosion, Coating & Cathodic Protection, June 2011, PT. Newmont Nusa Tenggara.
Pra Qualification Test (PQT), October 2011, PT. Timah.
Survey & Assessment Corrosion, Coating & Cathodic Protection on Jetty & Conveyer Piles, September 2011, PT. Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC).
Pengujian Daya Rekat Fiber Reinforced Plastic Lining pada Pelat Baja dengan Metoda Pull-Off, July 2013, PT. Agape Trikarsa Libratama.
Corrosion, Coating & Cathodic Protection Assessment and Design, December 2015, UJP PLTU JawaTengah 2, Adipala, Cilacap.
Pipeline Corrosion Protection Assessment, August –October 2017, SAKA (Indonesia-Pangkah) Ltd.
Asesmen Lapisan Coating pada Dryer,September 2018, PT.Indonesia Fibreboard Industry (ADR) Group.
Cathodic Protection Design of Underground Pipeline (Sacrificial Anode), December 2018–January 2019, UJP PLTU JawaTengah2, Adipala, Cilacap.
Test for Tank Surface Profile & Pull Off, June 2020, PT. BP Petrochemicals Indonesia.
Evaluasi Kritis Proyek Retrofit Pipa Air Pendingin Untuk Heat Exchanger Turbin Dengan Metoda FRP & Polyurea Lining, 2021, UJP PLTU Jawa tengah 2 Adipala - OMU Cilacap
Konsultan Proteksi Katodik Pipa Underground, November -December 2021, PT. Petrokimia Gresik.
Konsultasi Penyusunan Spesifikasi Teknis Coating pada Girder Baja Galvanis, September - November 2022, PT. Jasamarga Jalanlayang Cikampek.
Survey & Assessment on Corroded Strcuture and Piping, 2023, PT. South Pacific Viscose Lenzing.
Failure Analyisis RCFA Riser 12” 3PH X-Y Phase BH-BPRO, 2023, Pertamina PHE ONWJ.