


Consulting Services


•  Survey & Assessment on Corrosion, Coating , Cathodic Protection and Inhibitor.

•  Problem Solving in Industries Related in Corrosion, Coating, Cathodic Protection, Material & Design and Corrosion Management & Control.

•  Preparing Specification, System & Procedure for Coating Projects



Training Services


•  Provide Training & Certification on Blasting – Coating Operators, Coating Inspectors, Coating Supervisor, Galvanis Inspector, Rubber Lining Inspector, Cathodic Protection Tester, Cathodic Protection Installer.

•  Provide Training Non Certification, e.g : Corrosion for Manager, Coating for Manager, Corrosion & Corrosion Protection, etc.

•  Provide Special Training Based on Industrial Needed.



Project Experiences

Related to Survey & Assessment on Coating, Corrosion Control, Corrosion Mapping, Cathodic Protection and Inhibitor.


•  SOP Coating Assessment dan SOP Coating Maintenance pada Rel dan Jembatan, December 2010, PT. Kereta Api Indonesia.

•  Assessment of Corrosion, Coating & Cathodic Protection, June 2011, PT. Newmont Nusa Tenggara.

•  Pra Qualification Test (PQT), October 2011, PT. Timah.

•  Survey & Assessment Corrosion, Coating & Cathodic Protection on Jetty & Conveyer Piles, September 2011, PT. Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC).

•  Pengujian Daya Rekat Fiber Reinforced Plastic Lining pada Pelat Baja dengan Metoda Pull-Off, July 2013, PT. Agape Trikarsa Libratama.

•  Corrosion, Coating & Cathodic Protection Assessment and Design, December 2015, UJP PLTU JawaTengah 2, Adipala, Cilacap.

•  Pipeline Corrosion Protection Assessment, August –October 2017, SAKA (Indonesia-Pangkah) Ltd.

•  Asesmen Lapisan Coating pada Dryer,September 2018, PT.Indonesia Fibreboard Industry (ADR) Group.

•  Cathodic Protection Design of Underground Pipeline (Sacrificial Anode), December 2018–January 2019, UJP PLTU JawaTengah2, Adipala, Cilacap.

•  Test for Tank Surface Profile & Pull Off, June 2020, PT. BP Petrochemicals Indonesia.

•  Evaluasi Kritis Proyek Retrofit Pipa Air Pendingin Untuk Heat Exchanger Turbin Dengan Metoda FRP & Polyurea Lining, 2021, UJP PLTU Jawa tengah 2 Adipala - OMU Cilacap

•  Konsultan Proteksi Katodik Pipa Underground, November -December 2021, PT. Petrokimia Gresik.

•  Konsultasi Penyusunan Spesifikasi Teknis Coating pada Girder Baja Galvanis, September - November 2022, PT. Jasamarga Jalanlayang Cikampek.

•  Survey & Assessment on Corroded Strcuture and Piping, 2023, PT. South Pacific Viscose Lenzing.

•  Failure Analyisis RCFA Riser 12” 3PH X-Y Phase BH-BPRO, 2023, Pertamina PHE ONWJ.